Notice Yourself Noticing
Notice yourself noticing the beauty all around you this season. There is a part of you that can’t wait to come out to the surface of your life. Its total purpose is the moment that you say “Yes.”
Your soulful being Self–the real You–is sitting there waiting for you to simply give it permission to completely join the party, to completely come out and start living life. The “you” that would be giving it permission, ironically, is not the real you. It’s just that one that’s been “enduring” life, that’s been protecting you through life, and has been trying to “get through” the holidays. If it has been feeling that way to you, you’ve been identified as the “protector” personality, the ego.
Although the ego is sometimes essential, it is when we identify as that, and lose ourselves in that (and we think that’s who we really are) that we get into pain and trouble. The real you is waiting for the personality to give it permission to emerge.
Engage the holidays as if you are the essence (which you are), lovingly observing the personality. Right now is a time that you can break the bond of that identity being “stuck” in the personality, and drop into your Self more easily than any other time of the year. It is right Now.