Happy Winter Souls-R-Us! (Ok, that was a stretch, but it’s fun)
If you’re wondering why you are more grounded and clear than usual, more introspective and integrated than “yesterday”, more full of heart in a “tucked in” sort of way, experiencing more deep Joy, fine with what IS and in deep Celebration with every breath, then you’re probably more in touch with the deeper inner version of who you are than you used to be.
And rightfully so, for today is the Winter Solstice (Soulstice) – the day that we are automatically drawn inward for more minutes than any other day of the year. And inward means bigger, deeper, juicier, “yummier” living.
When the Soul is met by the Consciousness, Humanity awakens to its Truth, and Peace is known on Earth. We be that.
Happy Winter Souls-R-Us! (And you thought that was a new store in town.) You’ve been shopping too much!