Day 4: Enhancing Strength and Stretching

The loving presence that is the Truth of who you are has been waiting for the mind to find it, and come back home to it. Instead of staying focused outwardly, it’s time to bring the mind back home and let it have the opportunity to magnify the greatest love you've ever known - the True you. Embodying this love is the key to what makes you strong and flexible.


I connect with a deeper version of love, the feeling of “bliss,” and devote my practice to discovering a way for this to be equated with strength and flexibility in the body. This deeper love is accessible by me, for me, right here during this sacred time on the yoga mat.


Imagining A Greater Love

As you engage in the Day 4 Practice, imagine there is a bigger love than the greatest one you’ve ever felt. Know that you have access to it and that it’s inside your system that you will find it.

  • Notice how your body feels when imagining and connecting with this greater love. Is your body more open, soft, and pliable? Do you feel a sense of strength and solidity in your being that wasn’t there before?

  • How does embodying this greater love translate into your daily life?

Your Day 5 class, Sensing the Subtle Energy of “You”, will be emailed to you tomorrow.


“There is a love even bigger than the one you’ve ever known, and it resides within you. When you allow that love to be a part of everything you’re doing, there is a strength that keeps you from questioning yourself. When you’re aware of this love, it is the greatest power on earth. The invitation is to let this love be present again.”

Dr. Sue Morter

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