Day 1: Breath in the body

Today’s class focuses on “catching” the energy of the Toric Field Flow using the breath, and allowing it to be enhanced as we cycle and recycle it.


I allow my breath to be a contributor to my life - to elevate my own empowerment and allow a deeper embodiment than I’ve ever known before.


Deep Belly Breathing

As you engage in the Day 1 practice, begin to sense what it feels like when you’re breathing the energy through the body, becoming aware of the energy movement and tracking.

  • Can you sense and feel the relaxation that happens just by breathing deeply in the belly? Do you feel the thickness in the space around the body (the Toric Field)?

As you breathe in this way, it begins to become obvious to the sensory system that there is more to you than your physical body. Focus on this awareness as you move through your practice.

Your Day 2 class, Vocal Toning To Elevate Your Vibration, will be emailed to you tomorrow.


“As we breathe deeply in the body inside the Central Channel, or Susumna, we’re creating photon density in the inner core of the body so that our sensory nervous system can start to feel ‘someone’ in there, to feel something residing deep within. That someone and something deeper is…you.”

Dr. Sue Morter

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