Day 2: Vocal Toning To Elevate Your Vibration
We are made of high frequency energy - pure light. As this light compresses and contracts, folding over on itself enough times to get into physical form, the very first thing that is generated is sound vibration. If we allow these sounds to remain enlivened and conscious when we are toning in the body, we are stimulating and activating those foundational frequencies at the cellular level within our system - activating and resonating with the Truth of who we are.
To build circuits that support me in committing to the sacred practice of toning so that my vibration may rise and enliven my life.
Working with the Sacred Tone of “OM”
When we put all of the sounds of the universe together at the same time, it generates the famous sound of “OM” that is so often associated with yoga and meditation. When that “OM” is drawn into the physical body, it has an elevating impact on the physical body, animating it based upon all of the sound frequency vibrations that exist.
Today, practice “OM-ing” and take note of what is happening for you as you tone and allow this animation of a more empowered and elevated version of you to come to life.
If another sacred tone resonates with you as well, practice toning or chanting that particular sound and take note of how it feels in your body and the effects it has on your mind.
Your Day 3 class, Conscious Awareness and Anchoring, will be emailed to you tomorrow.
“The more we tone, the more we allow other vibrational frequencies to be active inside our system. This allows us to resonate with and access greater vibrational frequencies in life we never knew existed. This is how we become bigger and more expansive than we ever thought possible…”
Dr. Sue Morter
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