Awaken, Activate & Embody The Success Within

Next Course Begins October 1, 2025

"Dr. Sue Morter will help guide you to living more fully and expressing your true potential."

Jack Canfield

It's Time To Let Your Light Shine!

During this 6-month program you will:

  • Gain Clarity On What Your Version Of Success Truly Looks Like In All Aspects of Life
  • Become Confident In The True Authentic You
  • Allow Your Vision Of Success To Be Guided By The Soul and Not Clouded By The Mind (stop second guessing your gut!)
  • Activate High-Vibrational Frequencies To Welcome Abundance Into All Aspects Of Your Life
  • Experience A Deep Sense Of Joy Waking Up In Your Life Each and Every Day
  • Learn How to Consciously Take Action Toward Becoming The Most Successful Version Of Yourself

Now is the time to elevate your life. Enroll in Conscious Success Mentorship today!

Course Begins October 1, 2025


There's a hidden truth to success... And it's probably not what you think.

At some point in our lives, many of us find ourselves feeling stuck or unfulfilled, like we’re spinning our wheels but never seeming to get ahead…

Rather than waking up grateful for each new day, we're immediately met with stress, dis-ease or an unshakable feeling that there must be something "more" to life.

The truth is, life doesn’t have to be that way.

There IS a roadmap to success - but it’s probably not what you’ve been led to believe.

That roadmap exists within you...

You simply need to awaken - and embody - it!

With Conscious Success Mentorship, you’ll discover how to allow success in your life, no matter how long you’ve felt stuck.

During this six month mentorship program, we will take a journey through the 12 chakras and explore how each of these energy centers contribute a different aspect to your overall integrated, true, essential, successful self.

The byproduct of integration is success in all aspects of your life.

When you shift your perspective from having a relationship with success to beginning to live as the embodiment of success, everything in your life radically changes.

Relationships are no longer something you ‘deal with,’ abundance no longer is something you seek, success is not something you have to achieve.

When you live as the embodiment of success, you shift into a completely new reality experiencing flow, abundance, vitality, and true joy that comes from living as the true, essential self.

In the world of duality, everything exists within relationship - including your relationship with success. In Conscious Success Mentorship, you'll discover how to meld your relationship to success into one where you’re living as success, and awaken to the experience of unity, a sense of wholeness and flow in all areas of your life!

Join Dr. Sue's premier mentorship program,
Conscious Success Mentorship: Activating Success in Love, Life, Passion & Purpose

Course Begins October 1, 2025

Who Is Dr. Sue Morter?

As an International speaker and doctor with 30 years of experience, Dr. Sue’s visionary models and techniques have ignited an entirely new approach to accessing creative genius and living from personal freedom.

In bringing together the ancient wisdom traditions with cutting-edge quantum science, Dr. Sue uses The Energy Codes® to guide her students to unprecedented levels of creativity, health, and healing by building neuro-circuitry to raise their cellular vibrational frequency.

Dr. Sue often shares the platform with other great minds in science, healthcare, and personal development conferences, such as Rev. Michael Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Panache Desai, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Elizabeth Gilbert, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Iyanla Vanzant, Neale Donald Walsch, and Marianne Williamson.

Embodying Success Through The 12 Chakras 

  • Chakra One: Redefining Success – Actioning the Soulful Self
  • Chakra Two: Celebrating the Victory of Your Own True Wisdom For Success
  • Chakra Three: The Realm of Success Awaits Your Mind
  • Chakra Four: Leading With Love Creates the New Success
  • Chakra Five: Perceiving Your Greatness in Bringing Success Visible
  • Chakra Six: Success Is a Vibration – Find Your Signature
  • Chakra Seven: Success Through Joy and Delight
  • Chakra Eight: From Uncertainty to Clarity - Align with Divine Design
  • Chakra Nine: Celebrate Success From Your Highest Purpose Perspective
  • Chakra Ten: Permission Granted! 
  • Chakra Eleven: Choose, Have, Celebrate Your Destiny
  • Chakra Twelve: You Are the Universe, Made of Success!

Awaken The Energy Of Success That Lies Within You Through Conscious Success Mentorship.

Course Begins October 1, 2025

"This is the most beautiful and profound work! Literally life-changing. And I don't mean that the way that term had been used by many of us including me. I mean MY ENTIRE LIFE and LIFE STREAM is being reworked internally--spiritually, energetically, emotionally, mentally and physically. My ENTIRE PHYSICAL ORIENTATION, the way I BE in the world is restructuring itself. And there is more to go, just getting started. So....THANK YOU Dr Sue Morter..."

C.R., student

When You Join Conscious Success Mentorship, You'll Get:

12 Video Training Modules

Two LIVE Calls with Dr. Sue

Workbook with guided prompts and journaling accompanying each module

Meditation exercises to promote and elevate your embodiment journey

Join Dr. Sue's premier mentorship program,
Conscious Success Mentorship: Activating Success in Love, Life, Passion & Purpose

Course Begins October 1, 2025

See What Others Are Saying About Dr. Sue...

It's an owner’s manual for understanding who you truly are and for creating lasting happiness, optimal health, and a most miraculous life...

Marci Shimoff

For those ready and willing to build a new life, here are the tools.

Neale Donald Walsch

Your power and your presence are a force of healing on the planet.

Jean Houston

“Dr. Sue puts a powerful emphasis on embodiment, on activation, and actually living these truths. She brings people to the core ‘yes’ of their being. Dr. Sue is a real, authentic teacher, doing the real work… It is my Joy to be associated with her and to call her my friend and colleague.”

Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the schedule for this course?
    • New modules will be released on the first and fifteenth of each month. The dates for the live calls with Dr. Sue will be posted in the course Member Area.
  • How do I access the training modules?
    • When you enroll in the program, you'll receive access to the modules as they are released through the members area. This access will remain open for 30 days after the program ends. If this is your first program with Dr. Sue, you'll receive login information for the members area via email after you enroll.
  • Is this a live or self-paced training program?
    • Both! This program combines self-paced coursework via recorded training modules delivered twice a month with two, live calls with Dr. Sue.
  • How is this course different from other Morter Institute mentorship courses and/or Dr. Sue’s course offered through The Shift Network?
    • Conscious Success Mentorship differs from other Morter Institute mentorship programs in that it was specifically created as a 6-month virtual mentorship program that follows the Morter Institute 12-Chakra System to help redefine and activate “success” in all areas of one’s life. The course consists of 12 online video lessons, corresponding support materials, and LIVE Q&A/Laser Coaching Calls with Dr. Sue.
    • LiveAwake!™: Raising Your Vibration for a Life You Love Living, is a year-long program offering the practices and principles of The Energy Codes® for the purpose of awakening the Soulful Self and building the necessary neuro-circuitry to live as that in the world. The deeply experiential and integrative program consists of five live streaming Gateway weekends as well as a series of live integration calls, coaching panels, community calls and more. The LiveAwake!™ program is open for enrollment and offered in May of each year.
    • Dr. Sue offers various coursework through The Shift Network, covering Energy Codes Level I and Level II practices and principles, as well as specific healing practices. These courses cover a portion of The Energy Codes® practices and principles and are offered 100% virtually and consist of online video modules with corresponding support materials.

Join Dr. Sue's premier mentorship program, Conscious Success Mentorship: Activating Success in Love, Life, Passion & Purpose

Course Begins October 1, 2025

Copyright © 2020-2025 - The Energy Codes® | Morter Institute | Dr. Sue Morter LLC | Privacy Policy | All Rights Reserved.

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