Transform Your Life With Dr. Sue Morter

Awaken to Living a Joyful and Inspired Life as the Embodied Soulful Self.

A yearlong immersive and transformational experience...

Imagine, you could...

Wake up every morning with a greater sense of self and the courage to let the True You shine

Have endless energy and radiant health

Be surrounded by rich and loving relationships that feed your soul

Receive the Universal Flow of Abundance in your life

Live your purpose and realize your dreams

Event Only Special

Total Program Value $30,000

Today's Special Pay in Full Price:

Today's Special Pay Over Time Price: $8745

Claim Your Space Today

plus 1 PAYMENT* of $7200

Total Investment


*payment collected in five days

plus 10 PAYMENTS* of $795
Total Investment


*payments collected every 30 days

Transform Your Life With Dr. Sue Morter


"We are not here to survive... we are here to flourish!"
Dr. Sue Morter

5 Extended Weekend Transformational Gateways 

Activate Higher Mind: Discovering The Quantum Flip® (3 days)

Integrate Mind and Soul: Igniting the Power of Love to Heal (3 days)

Elevate Your Consciousness: Creating Sacred Space (3 days)

Cultivate Divine Right Timing: Manifesting the Future You (3 days)

Celebrate the Great Victory: Living as the Soul (4 days)


12 Live Integration Virtual Video Calls with
Dr. Sue 

Guided circuit building, self-healing, coaching and Q&A.

Six Virtual Video Calls with our trained TAs

To get unstuck, learn from other's questions, and experience guided meditations.

10 Monthly Small Group Connection Calls

To share your wins, touch base with questions, celebrate each other’s journey, and have a few laughs together.

Four Coaching Labs with a Panel of Energy Codes® Certified Coaches & Trainers

Spend time hearing from certified coaches of The Energy Codes® and talk through real-life scenarios together so you can walk the NEW YOU into your life with ease!


Fabulous Interactive Private Online Community
(Priceless Sacred Space)

The LiveAwake! Community is a family.  You’ll be part of the closed LiveAwake Online Facebook community – a dynamic online support community where you can go 24/7 to celebrate your wins, ask your questions, support each other, offer ideas and inspiration. 

Continuous interaction and immersion with the community and the team.


Guided Embodiment Meditation

7 Breathwork & Circuit Building Videos for Quantum Wholeness (Downloadable)
Life Mastery Through Meditation Course (Streaming Video)
108 Ways to Embody Your Magnificence (Digital Audio)
BodyAwake Yoga Introductory Workshop (Digital Video)
BodyAwake Yoga Short Flow Program (Digital Video)

Annette t.

The year long LiveAwake program woke me up to a different way of living in the world. As the program unfolded, I found myself moving from “being in the work”, “to doing the work”, to simply just “Be-ing the work”.

The structure of the program with its gateway openings and touchpoint calls held me in the continuous sacred space of a Greater Love. The format was key  for my unfoldment, because I always had an upcoming engagement to help me stay focused on staying the course and staying on Subject.

The LiveAwake program literally took me through the lived experience of Being Awake in the moments that previously would have knocked me off center.  Thank you, Dr. Sue! I am so grateful for your presence on this planet!

Glen H.

I started to notice that when I came from my soulful self, that windows of opportunity started opening up before me! As disappointments evolved, I instinctively went to my inner self with the question: “What is in this for me to learn?” That was followed by promptings, which when heeded, opened the doors to opportunities that literally came out of nowhere and offered solutions! As Dr. Sue taught, “There is nothing that is against us! It’s all working for us and our greater good!”

Tricia h.

What an amazing program this has been...It has been fun and so inspiring. My life will never be the same!! Wonderful to share it with so many in the community. Dr. Sue, thank you for being such an extraordinary teacher.

Love and gratitude, xxx!


Inspiration Panel

Disclaimer: Dr. Sue Morter presents the entire content of the LiveAwake!™ program for educational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to diagnose medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prescribe, prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. The information contained in the program is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or mental health professional.

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