Remote HEaling & Transmission for the Holy Days

DR. Sue morter

The Energy Codes

Heal Yourself Now:
The Secrets to Activating Your Cellular Circuitry
for Vitality, Immunity and Well-Being
March 20-21, 2021
March 20 at 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Eastern time
March 21 at 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Eastern time
Value $497.00 Sale Price: $297.00

In this easy to understand two day weekend seminar, Dr. Sue reveals how to activate your cellular circuitry through The Energy Codes® to increase vitality and immunity using Seven Essentials for Health. Dr. Sue' unique perspectives teach you how to use these practices to ground yourself in health and well-being despite the external circumstances. Dr. Sue will cover practical topics combined with the unique healing practices of The Energy Codes to boost your wellness and elevate your spirits as a global family focused on fundamentals of vitality, well-being and personal development.

The Energy Codes® of Manifesting
February 26, 2021
11:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern time

In the The Energy Codes of Manifesting Workshop Dr. Sue will teach you the principles and practices to work with your body’s energy fields so you can eliminate the subconscious interference that keeps you from creating a life that is truly in alignment.

The Energy Codes® Level I
February 26*-27-28, 2021
February 26, 2021 at 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern time
February 27, 2021 at 11:00 am - 7:00 pm Eastern time
February 28, 2021 at 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern time

This two day weekend seminar (*with an optional full-day Friday workshop included) is centered on guiding participants toward seeing the symbolism in their history, experiencing alternative ways of viewing their "story", and determining what vibrational medicine is and how to use it every day to dissolve conflict, stress and the need to "control" life. Dr. Sue sheds light on limiting beliefs, thoughts and emotions that have unconsciously jaded our experience of full potential and creativity. Participants are exposed to the concepts of quantum science in highly experiential processes in order to actually "feel" the differences energetically.

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

A $10 shipping fee will be charged for domestic shipping (International shipping fee = $25).

Monthly Payment Plans:  The first payment will be collected immediately, and the additional payments will be collected monthly (every 30 days). Plans available are: under $500 (3 months); $500+ (3, 6 or 12 months). There is a $10 charge per month for payment plans. 

Refund Policy: All product purchases are non-refundable. ∆ Events that are not solely Morter Institute events (i.e., planned in partnership with other entities), including some JourneyAwake® Excursions may be excluded. For live in-person events, all purchases are non-refundable after three business days from the date of purchase. If you are unable to attend an event, you may utilize a one-time credit toward any Dr. Sue Morter independent event or product(s) within one year of the date of purchase; $100 transfer fee applies.

Online Events: No refunds will be issued after the course/event start time. E-mail your cancellation notice to [email protected] or contact us at 855-872-8700. 

Purchasing using this online order form signifies your agreement to these Terms and Conditions.

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