It Looked Broken for a Minute, But We Peaced it Back Together

With the mid-term elections taking place today in the United States, for those who live here (or observing from afar), many may feel the country is divided or fractured. Although it may look broken to some at the moment, I know one day in the future we will have realized we had the power to “peace” it back together.
In fact, it will turn out we were mistaken in the first place, as we remembered that nothing is ever really broken.
We’ll see the exercise was good for us as we had to find our way through the heart space – after exhausting all other means and resources – to find that when we landed in a peaceful space and took a peaceful approach to seeing how all the parts fit together, it all worked out.
Once we got past our personal need to be right and to stand our ground, make our point and “be heard,” we actually felt the possibility that there was benefit in all of it.
And once we remembered that we were eternal beings and were missing nothing and we relaxed a bit, we saw that the “peaces” were perfectly nudging us toward seeing our wholeness.
But it was all time well spent.
In fact if we hadn’t taken the long way around, we might never have Peaced it all together in the end.
…(but then again we might have). 🙂
And by the way, there is no End! Just a fabulous unfolding of the awakening to the Truth that all is Well and always has been … Peace.