In this moment, an energy of CHANGE is rising on our planet. We are being called to look at ourselves and the world at large, and ask not only which overt sentiments and societal structures or institutions need to change, but also to look clearly at our own lives and ask:
What is it that’s driving me in a habitual, unconscious kind of way?
Our habits are patterns of energy that run through our system and affect our lives, whether we are aware of them or not. In looking at our lives, we all have certain habits we would like to actively or consciously change. We can also see the outcome of existing habits that have subconsciously collected over time.
We recognize both these manifestations of habits in our lives. Sometimes they’re easy to change… and sometimes not.
Before we can change existing habits and create new ones, there’s an important distinction and realization that needs to be made. Beneath all habits or thought-patterns exists one that affects every other habit we’ve established in our life…
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