Become a Referral Partner
If you are interested in Dr. Sue Morter’s work and would like to help share The Energy Codes® and other teachings with your community and networks, we invite you to join the Morter Institute Referral Program.
As a Referral Partner for the Morter Institute of Bioenergetics, you are invited to share Dr. Sue Morter’s life-changing programs and transformational teachings with your community and networks, all while creating income for you or your business.
Referral partners are invited to introduce new people to The Energy Codes® teachings by sharing information regarding live events, online seminars and products – including Dr. Sue’s forthcoming book scheduled for release March 19, 2019! In exchange, referral partners are rewarded generously via a commission-based agreement when any community member chooses to purchase directly through your referral partner link.
If you are interested in spreading the word of The Energy Codes®, please contact: [email protected].