“I realized everything I have ever studied has led me to this training. It combines so many of the new thought teachings I have previously studied and put them into a practical experience and provides techniques which can be applied in my life moment to moment. I am delighted to have found these trainings.”
— J. Schick
The Energy Codes (formerly Intentional Living) is a multi-level course that can be taken in part or whole, focused on bringing Dr. Sue’s message to life within the individual’s specific daily experience. Learn techniques to embody principles which can be practiced on a regular basis for a changed perspective in every aspect of life: relationships, career choice, physical well being, communication skill, physical healing and, most importantly, personal freedom.
Level I: The Reality Shift is a two-day weekend seminar (with an optional full-day Friday workshop included) centered on guiding participants toward seeing the symbolism in their history, experiencing alternative ways of viewing their “story”, and determining what vibrational medicine is and how to use it every day to dissolve conflict, stress and the need to ‘control’ life. It combines indigenous cultural traditions with Eastern and Western practices in a renewed way, allowing for an uplifting and enlightening perspective of the Human experience. Using vibrational feedback from the physical body, Dr. Sue sheds light on limiting beliefs, thoughts and emotions that have unconsciously jaded our experience of full potential and creativity. Participants are exposed to the concepts of quantum science in highly experiential processes in order to actually ‘feel’ the differences energetically.
In this event, you will learn to:
- Make distinctions between goal setting and perceiving the purpose of life.
- Address ego development and dissolution from a quantum perspective.
- Embrace fear and befriend doubt.
- Reframe the past, to empower the future.
- Remove subconscious interferences to achievement and manifesting.
- Understand the bioenergetics of the chakra system and how to use it.