By Dr. Sue Morter
If you’ve ever attended The Energy Codes® coursework, watched a video of mine or heard me on an interview, you’ve probably heard me mention, “building circuits” more than a few times. I speak about circuits frequently because the amount of energetic circuits in our bodies are the key to living an expansive and magnificent life. But what are circuits exactly, and why do we need to build them?
To understand circuits, you must first understand this truth: You are perfect.
You live in a perfect world and the truth is, everything is fine. If you’re not perceiving your world to be okay, or living the life you dream of, the reason for this is simply a circuitry issue.
Building Circuitry to Tap Our Authentic Self
When we first come into this life, we have a certain amount of circuitry in place to experience this world. Based on the circuitry we’re born with, we start to develop a limited way of interacting with everything and everyone around us. The way we respond to others – parents, teachers, bosses and friends – is all based upon circuitry we have put in place.
The issue is, this circuitry wasn’t built by our authentic self, but from our protective self, or our ego.
Our ego is simply the part of ourselves that functions from a limited awareness of the world and is in place to protect us. (I like to call it our “protective personality.”) With our protective personality, we have an image of who we are, how things are supposed to go, and how we’re supposed to perform in the world. It’s all based upon what we think we should be doing and so we go through school, go into the work world, develop relationships, and find ways of engaging in the outer world that’s based on a limited version of true self.
We aren’t able to live from our authentic, true self all the time because we haven’t built the circuits to tap into it on a day-to-day basis. If we had the circuits in place to access it, we would be living from a constant flow of knowingness in our lives, courageously speaking our truth with every breath and living from our heart-of-hearts. Living from our true self, we would feel completely whole and at peace with the world as well as our place within it.
To tap into this truth, we have to build a way of living that allows us to be in constant touch with that part of ourselves. We must maintain this connection so we don’t ever disperse ourselves back out into our protective personality, the one that is hypervigilant and always looking to the outer world to see if we’re okay.
We build and maintain the connection to our truthful self by building circuits in our body.
Understanding How to Build Circuits
There are two systems that run our bodies. One is an electromagnetic energy system and the other one is the central nervous system.
We often hear about the central nervous system because it’s a part of our physical body and something we can see, touch and study. We rarely hear about the electromagnetic energy system however, because it’s something we can’t perceive with the naked eye. This is unfortunate, because the electromagnetic energy system is actually the one that controls the central nervous system and, if we can master the electromagnetic system, we can master the central nervous system.
The electromagnetic energy system has to do with the part of you that you can’t really put your finger on but can feel around your body sometimes.
For example, have you ever been sitting and working on your computer and, without hearing or seeing anything, you sense someone is there? When you turn around, you see in fact that someone is standing there. What has happened is this person stepped into your electromagnetic energy field. You could feel them because the electromagnetic energy field is much bigger than your physical body.
The electromagnetic energy system is made of channels of flowing energy, referred to in the Eastern traditions as the Meridians, Nadis or the Sushumna. These energy channels affect the physical body by impacting the central nervous system.
The central nervous system has channels of nerve impulses with synapses of neurons carrying messages in a linear fashion from one nerve to the next. If the electromagnetic energy system is chaotic, dispersed, weakened or agitated, it keys the nervous system to be on-guard and to sense that something is not safe. This causes us to start looking around with our five senses to figure out: Am I safe? Do I hear anything? Do I see anything? What’s happening?
So, the circuits running through the electromagnetic system act as a communications system. Most people have been living on a certain amount of circuitry based on survival, which is only 20-30% of what they’re capable of experiencing. By building more circuits in our system, we can begin to expand our experience of the life we live.
Building Circuits for An Expansive Life
If we want to be able to build more communication pathways – or circuits – in our overall system, we must spend more time as a creative self instead of spending all our time as our survivor self.
We have to start living in a way that allows us to be creative and empowered and begin generating our life experiences instead of waiting for someone else to create something for us. We have to stop waiting for someone else to bring us something we enjoy so that we can have an enjoyable life or stop waiting for someone to act in a way we don’t like so we can use our resistance to figure out who we are and what we stand for. Either way, we end up sitting around waiting for our life to begin, and that’s not our destiny. It’s not what we’re built for.
We came here to this life to have a creative expression in the world and to experience and generate heaven on earth.
If we’re not experiencing a sense of heaven on earth, it’s because our electromagnetic energy system isn’t flowing in an organized way. It isn’t generating a strong enough impulse to trigger our nervous system to build the synapses and wiring of nerve impulses to ground, anchor and sustain it.
Creating a Sustainable Set of Circuits
The central nervous system has the ability to have a conscious and a subconscious set of circuits that are constantly running our lives. What many don’t realize is that the subconscious set of circuits – the part we’re not really in touch with or aware of – is the part that’s driving our lives.
This is why we so often lose touch with that New Year’s Eve resolution we came up with, or that inspiring vision we have for ourselves. We place images on our vision board in the hopes it will manifest, but we soon fall out of the flow and get distracted from where we really wanted to go. The reason for that is we don’t have enough circuitry to anchor our awareness in a consistent enough fashion for it to manifest.
Without enough circuitry, we end up starting over again all the time. We constantly have new ideas and grand ideas of the life we would love to be living. We make plans and become excited, but then a few months down the road, we don’t even remember having that amazing vision. We make a New Year’s resolution and within a few weeks or months, we don’t even remember we made it, what it was, or the details of how magnificent it felt when we first starting planning it.
To accomplish these type of life goals, we have to build the circuitry, or pathways of communication, to be able to acknowledge it, ignite it, and sustain it long enough that it can actually manifest in our lives.
What we do in The Energy Codes coursework is learn how to complete those loops of our goals and build the neuro-circuitry to sustain our visions that come from our true, authentic self. The feeling and inspiration come from deep within our core where our true self resides. The empowered reality that awaits us is there all the time. The issue is, we haven’t had the circuits in place to be able to perceive it.
We have to learn how to do that. We begin, by building a sensory awareness at the core of our being that allows us to reference this sensation constantly. We must always be in touch with the gut, in touch with our heart of hearts and our own deep wisdom that’s already been collected in our lives.
If that’s not happening, then something needs to be done. More circuits need to be built.
So, if you have a hard time with follow through or completing the loops on the grand visions and dreams in your life, then it’s time to build more circuits in your system. I invite you to tune into The Energy Codes and learn to tap into the tremendous wisdom and wealth of information that is waiting for you to learn how to build more circuitry and begin living the life of your dreams.