The Ocean Never Stops
One wave after another, tiny or tremendous, they just keep coming. This is Life.
What do you name the waves?
Wave after wave. They just move through. They just “Go.” And they come and they go … and go and go and go. They never stop.
There is always an opportunity for another. If this one passed you by and there wasn’t really a chance to “hold on” to anything before you noticed it flowing right on through your life, no to worry, there will be another.
And if you did lock in on something and manage to hold on to it for awhile, and now it seems time to “let it go,” still no worry. It wants to flow anyway. Just allow it to. Nature is on your side.
And if you caught something in that flowing stream that you love and you aren’t really interested in it “flowing anywhere” without you, there’s just one thing to do: loosen your bind and swim along side. Because the Ocean never stops and the river is what feeds it. Wave after wave and streams ever flowing. You can count on that.
So go ahead, even get your hair wet while you swim! It’s way refreshing! Flow on.